Checking Out Materials:
- Library materials are for the use of LGPC member families only.
- Books are shelved alphabetically by author (and reference number), videos are shelved by reference number. Lists of materials alphabetized by author and title are in the book cabinet.
- Two items at a time may be checked out. Complete the index card in each book or video with your name and the date taken out. File the card in alphabetical order in the card box.
- Items shall be returned within a month of the check out date. Upon returning an item, replace the index card in the card pocket.
- Pony Club members shall handle library materials with respect and inform the librarian or D.C. if repair or replacement is needed.
- The library shelves ar open during pony club meetings. If access is needed at other times, the D.C. or staff of the stable will have keys to the cabinet.
- Pony Club member families are reponsible for lost or damaged materials at their replacement value.
Adding to the Library:
- Donations to the library are appreciated and are tax deductible.
- Requests to purchase materials may be made to the librarian or D.C.