LGPC's New Website
LGPC has a new website! We have been working to create a new online home for our club that will be both a source of information about us for the public and a fun and informative place for our members also. The web address for the site is:
http://longgreenponyclub.tripod.com (note that this address has no www in it). The site has a "Calendar" page with all LGPC events and some non-LGPC events posted, a "News" page, which has announcements, late breaking news and other fun stuff, a "Photo Album" page featuring photos of club members engaged in club activities with their favorite mounts and more.
Enjoy your new cyber clubhouse!
Thank You Patrons...
Dr. and Mrs. William DeVoe, Gold Patron
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Goodwin, Gold Patron
Dr. and Mrs. Don Lurie, Silver Patron
Dr. Michael Lynch, Bronze Patron
Mr. & Mrs. Dick & Jeanette Bair, Bronze
Dr. Mike Riger, Bronze Patron
Mrs. Frances Salerno, Bronze Patron
Beverly Barnes, Friend of LGPC
Mrs. Jean Gore, Friend of LGPC
Ms. Phoebe DeVoe, Friend of LGPC
Gretchen Miller, Friend of LGPC
Several activities keep Long Green members and sponsors busy through the spring. Games practices begin and are always such fun. It is recommended that everyone go to the pony club national website and click on the "games" link this month...and have a great time.
Gloria Cameron,
District Commissioner
Eileen Pritchard-Bryan,
Jt. DC
Phoebe DeVoe,
Joanne Salerno,
Secretary, Newsletter
Hope Pearce,
Photos and Information Wanted
If you have photos you would like to have on the photo page of our new website, please send them to Delmar Stewart, who will scan them and return the originals to you. Please label them as descriptively as possible and include return information so he can get them back to you. If you have photos that are already digitized, you can e-mail them to: LongGreenWeb@yahoo.com, or deliver them to him on a disk (floppy, zip100, zip250, or CD). No pony club member will be identified by full name and no personal information of any kind about club members will be on the site. In addition to photos, news items or announcements of interest concerning club activities, "for sale" and "wanted to buy" announcements can also be posted.
KUDOS: Alison H. and Xpress Mocha, High Point Junior at Preliminary Eventing and High Score Horse at Prelim and above with Maryland Combined Training Association (see photo)
THANK YOU: We would like to thank Long Green Pony Club for the beautiful welcome sign, clock and the thermometer. And the tavern game puzzle that John got is hard to do, but we got it! Thanks again, John and Darlene.
FOR SALE: 17.5" County Eventer, mahogany brown, #3 tree, excellent condition, very comfortable saddle, $750... call Gloria (410) 329-6561
MANY THANKS: Jenna C. for the graphic design on our new website opening page! Check it out!
WELCOME: New members Jessica R., Kellie H. and Jacqueline V.
GOOD LUCK: Alison H. on achieving your H-A at the March testing in the Mid South Region
CONGRATULATIONS: Katie Rose on your upcoming marriage. What a cute couple!!
PONY FOR SALE: 7 y.o. bay mare, 13hh. Exp in dressage, eventing thru pre-N with talent to go further. Flashy with great form, would make exc hunter jumper/fox hunter or PC horse. Athletic, lovable, sound and bombproof. $8000 obo. Call (410) 357-5398
WAY TO GO: Lindsey Z. and Jessica R. for Maryland Dressage Association year-end awards

Alison H. and Coco
The 2002 annual USPC meeting was held in Atlanta and was attended by our co-DC Eileen Pritchard-Bryan. She reports lots of new stuff and brings home some great new videos. Ask her about it!
The Mill Of Belair will donate "stuff" to LGPC as part of their group donation account. The more we buy from them, the more LGPC gets. See the enclosed flyer to register and buy your horsey things from them! Be sure to sign up your friends too!
Games Quiz
1. You are wearing the white helmet cover. This means:
a) You are the captain of the team
b) You are the referee
c) You are the last team member to ride
d) Your mother bought the wrong color helmet cover
2. You are in the sword race. Equipment needed includes:
a) One sword, four apples, eight buckets
b) One sword, four rubber rings, four bending poles
c) Two swords, a cot and a first aid kit
d) Two swords, a bandana, and a sushi bar
3. Officials a Games Rally include:
a) line judges, lane judges and a lone judge
c) traffic cops, district court judges and the state's attorney
d) Your parents, second cousins and next door neighbors
4. A preliminary heat at a Games Rally is:
a) Your pony's temperature at the beginning of the rally
b) A false start
c) A practice race
d) A way to determine which teams will compete in the final race of a game
5. the following are all games played at a Pony Club Games Rally:
a) Mug Race, Hula Hoop Race, Old Sock Race
b) Stocking race, Slinky Race, Coffee Cup Race
c) Bending Lines, Six-Flag Race, Hopping Stones
d) Monopoly, Twister, Candyland
Long Green Pony Club Mentors
Upper level pony clubbers (C3, B, H and A ratings) are expected to participate in mounted and unmounted instruction in their club. Their standards of Proficiency require that they contribute to the education of younger pony club members. Long Green Pony Club is lucky to have three such mentors in Jessica C. (B), Alison H. (B), and Ellen C. (C3).
Jessica C.
Jessica has competed in knowdown, games, show junping and polocrosse and attended USPC national competitions in show jumping and polocrosse. She has excelled in horse management and has represented the Maryland Region four times as stable manager of national teams, winning first place three times. Her favorite pony club activity currently is polocrosse and she hopes to coach LGPC members this year. Jessica is LGPC's resource member in horse management and polocrosse.
Alison H.
Alison has competed in knowdown, tetrathlon, dressage, show jumping, and combined training, and has attended USPC national competitions in combined training. Eventing is Alison's focus sport and she is an accomplished champion at Novice, Training, and Preliminary levels in USCTA recognized competitions. She is LGPC's resource member in combined training. Alison is preparing for her H-A and A ratings and will be actively involved in mounted and unmounted instruction this year. |
Ellen C.
Ellen has competed in knowdown, games, tetrathlon, polo, dressage, combined training and show jumping. She attended the last three national competitions in show jumping. she was one of four riders to complete all clear rounds at Festival last year. She also enjoys fox hunting and is currently focused on dressage and show jumping. Ellen is the LGPC resource member for show jumping and hopes to coach games, a favorite pony club activity. |
Jessica, Alison and Ellen are available to share their pony club experience and expertise and members will see them at a variety of LGPC activities. Members should not hesitate to contact these individuals for assistance. |
Long Green Pony Club 42 Lauren Knoll Ct.
Baldwin, Md. 21013
DC: Gloria Cameron (410) 329-6561
Membership: Hope Pearce (410) 472-4151
SCHEDULE APRIL...Games Practices Begin 7: Round Robin/Marlboro PC 14: LGPC Monthly Meeting, Thornridge Manor 2 pm 20: LGPC Ratings, D's & C's 21: Round Robin/St Margaret's MAY...5: Round Robin/Central Penn 12: C Dressage Rally 19: LGPC Monthly Meeting JUNE...1&2: Sr. & Jr. Games Rally 8&9: C Show Jumping Rally 16: Novice Games Rally 27-30: Fair Hill/D-3 and up CT Rally |

Long Green Pony Club Activities
January's meeting took place at Thornridge Manor Farm, despite the weather and snow threatening to cause a reschedule. Our upper level PC'ers gave demonstrations about grooming and braiding techniques while sponsors met. Our new library was introduced and procedures discussed for book and video loan. Be sure to check out the materials!
One of February's speakers was equine dentist Lars Curly. LGPC always enjoys having Lars visit with us as his talks and demonstrations are fun-filled and informative. We were also lucky to have Laura Schmitt, a Nutritionist from the Mill at Belair, give a talk on the many benefits of different feeds and supplements. CoCo and Whitney were our demo horses and poor Whitney is now on a weight gain program! Laura also showed us the digestive system of a horse and demonstrated why
our ponies can develop problems.
In March the concentration is on Quiz and preparation for the rally. The Regional Horse Management seminar will be held at Imperial Egyptian Stud. Members will also get ready with a hands on Quiz session in the barn.
As good weather and the Spring season begins, be sure to check your calendars and e-mail ofter to review upcoming meetings, guest speakers and mounted lessons in preparation for rallies, events and ratings. Upcoming USPC rallies are Games, Fair Hill CT, C Dressage and C Show Jumping. Let's all be well prepared! Be sure to notify the DC if you intend to compete at a rally.