
Caitlin B. and Wheatley D. enjoyed the children's hunt this year the day after Thanksgiving. Ask them to share the experience and tell about the excitement.
Fox Chasing Quiz:
1) You view the fox and shout: a) Look! the fox b) What's that? c) Thar she blows! d) Tally-ho!
2) The hounds are chasing a deer. They are: a) Running riot b) Hungry c) Ready to go home d) Looking for Santa Claus
3) A hound jumps out of the hedgerow and heads towards the riders in front of you, you say: a) There goes a dog! b) That scared me! c) Ware hound! d) Where did he come from?
4) You are a guest at a meet; the hunt secretary approaches you and asks for: a) Your firstborn child b) A tip c) Your capping fee d) A bite of your sandwich
LGPC Officers for 2002:
Gloria Cameron District Commissioner (410) 329-6561
Eileen Pritchard-Bryan Joint D.C.
Phoebe DeVoe Treasurer
Joanne Salerno Secretary/Newsletter
Hope Pearce Membership (410) 472-4151
During the LGPC silent auction of 2001, my mom purchased the trail ride package for the NCR trail (bike and hike), that would be hosted by the Camerons. So on a cold gusty Saturday morning in October, we set out for what was promising to be a ride to remember. With Mrs. Gloria Cameron in front to lead the ride, we were sure to be safe. We wandered through the grassy lanes that were in between the paddocks. Then we headed out to the fields. On the way we cantered a few fences. Then we reached what was my favorite part of the ride. We crossed the Gunpowder! We did this to get to the bike and hike. It was fun, the horses splashed around a bit even though the water was cold. And since Rebecca's pony is so small and the river so deep, Becca had soaked boots by the time we had our horses on the banks of the river. When we finally reached the trail we picked up a brisk trot. All three horses were eager to go since we had walked for the last 10 minutes. All horses and riders were happy to have a change of scene. After we walked a bit to let our horses catch their breath, we urged our ponies into a canter. As we loped down the winding trail, we all took a moment to enjoy the scenery. After about a 1/4 mile we slowed up to a trot just in time to chat with a few of Mrs. Cameron's friends from fox hunting. Then we headed home, trotting here and there, a canter or two to keep our toes warm, and all too soon we arrived back at the Cameron's farm. We untacked our ponies and cooled them out. Then we trailered home. This was definitely a trail ride to remember. A SPECIAL THANKS TO MRS. CAMERON!
GROOMING QUIZ Our first LGPC meeting for 2002 is a special grooming session at Thornridge Manor Farm on January 6. Take this grooming quiz to see if you are prepared for this educational series!
1. At the rally, you lose points in horse management for having ringlets. To avoid this in the future, you: a) will stop watching Shirley temple films b) promise to never eat that candy again c) will always remember not to wear jewelry at a rally d) will groom your pony's tail on a regular basis
2. The horse management judge is looking closely at your pony's mane. She is: a) admiring its color b) looking for dandruff c) on a scavenger hunt d) trying to make you nervous |
3. Your pony comes in from the field coated with dried mud. You cross tie him and choose: a) a fire hose b) a soft brush c) a rubber curry d) treats to reward him
4. Your pony has a small stone stuck alongside his frog. You need to: a) tell the frog to jump in the lake b) call the vet c) use a hoof pick to remove the stone d) clean his teeth

The officers of LGPC have decided that this Spring's calendar is FULL. Therefore, the CT that was proposed for March 2002 has been canceled indefinitely. We will devote our time and efforts to membership and our Fall Silent Auction. All members of LG are encouraged to invite potential members as guests to any of our mounted or unmounted meetings. Our focus this year will be on the educational and "fun" aspects of Pony Club. Please remember to bring your Know Down notebooks to the unmounted meetings. Also, please make a good effort to attend the meetings - the invited speakers appreciate an interested audience |
AND these meetings are organized for your benefit!
If you plan to ride at a mounted session, you are expected to: 1) inform the DC by e-mail or phone if you wish to ride (assigned groups and times are made accordingly), 2) arrive on time (that means you are ready for safety check at the start of your session), 3) be properly attired to PC standards (any questions, ask your DC - basically adhere to PC safety standards and in accordance with weather and a neat appearance), 4) remember to bring payment for the lesson (PC rates apply - ask DC for details), 5) demonstrate good conduct and an open mind for learning and fun!

Bay Mare Pony For Sale: 11 y.o., 14.1 hh, easy keeper, great feet...does Pony Club Games, Dressage, Shows...wants to be a loved member of the family! Very reasonable to good home...will also consider lease. Please call Ginny at (410) 557-0581. on "Newsbits" for results of the Foxchasing essay contest and for information about safety helmets and jumping vests.
Saddle for sale: 17.5" County Eventer, mahogany brown, #3 tree, excellent condition...very comfortable XC saddle, $750 - call Gloria (410) 329-6561
A WORD FROM OUR DC... Mrs. Gloria Cameron
"What Pony Club Means To Me"
I have a very nice USPC blanket that has woven onto it the pony club emblem, images of all the pony club sports and activities, and on each side, the words representing four goals of pony club membership: leadership, sportsmanship, horsemanship and stewardship. This was given to me upon finishing a term as District Commissioner, an appropriate and meaningful gift. Pony club does mean all of these things to me, but I can add a few more. It means commitment to making the pony club experience a positive and enjoyable one for the members and families. It also means a lot of fun and laughter along the way. I must be truthful and add that it can mean some hard work and worry and a problem or two. I ask each of you to ask what pony club means to you, and more importantly, what you can make of your pony club experience. My buzz word for Long Green Pony Club this year is OPPORTUNITY. Let's take advantage of the opportunities that pony club can open for us - fellowship, learning, a chance to be better companions and caretakers for our ponies, and lots of fun. So Happy New Year, Long Green Pony Club!

January:6... Hands on grooming and Sponsor meeting, Thornridge Manor at 3:00 pm 13... Katie Rose mounted jumping prep lessons, 12:00 and 1:00 at Camelot Farms 20... Phoebe DeVoe mounted drill team and dressage, 3:00 pm at Thornridge Manor 26... Guest speaker Lars Curly, equine dentist, 9:00 am at Thornridge Manor
February:3.. Katie Rose mounted jumping prep lessons, 12:00 and 1:00 pm at Camelot Farms 10... Guest speaker on Nutrition and Sponsors' meeting, Thornridge Manor at 2:00 pm 24... Phoebe DeVoe mounted lesson, drill team and dressage, 2:00 pm at Thornridge Manor
March:3... "Hands on" Know Down and jumping prep lessons with Katie Rose, 12:00 and 1:00 at Camelot Farms 10... Mock Know Down Rally (FUN) and final preparations for rally (location TBA) 17... Know Down Rally, Wilson College, (details will be given to all participants and teams formed) 24... Phoebe DeVoe dressage lessons at Thornridge Manor, 2:00 pm
Winter 2002
Long Green Pony Club 42 Lauren Knoll Ct. Baldwin, MD 21013

As everyone at the Holiday Party can attest, we all had a great time! The food was great (and plenty). The camaraderie terrific, the exchange of "secret Santa" gifts was fun, the wonderful embroidered saddle covers were FABULOUS (thanks to Kathy Goodwin for the lovely job of embroidery and the donation of her talent and time), the passing of the helm from Darlene to Gloria was with enthusiasm and anticipation and the end of a wonderful year with an even better year yet to come! Thanks to all for their generosity in making the Long Green Pony Club the best ever!!! We also appreciate the Haase family for hosting our year end gala at their home and we always LOVE having guests as part of our celebration. Thanks also to Taylor Z. for her violin recital of holiday tunes.
WELCOME! New member Jena C. and her parents Scott and Cindy...
Long Green Pony Club Library
At the next pony club meeting, which will occur at Thornridge Manor farm on January 6, all members and sponsors attending should notice our new library! We now have a permanent home for our books and videos - and all pony club members are welcome to check out any of the educational material found there. We simply ask that all materials be returned within a month, or by the following meeting, so all members are able to make maximum use of this service. Thanks to Ms. Phoebe for letting LGPC make our permanent home for his bookshelf at Thornridge Manor
and to Mr. Haase for his fine staining and assembling work! We welcome donations from all to help fill the shelves! Books and videos are needed, as well as anything that will assist our young members with their horsemanship and knowledge. Please contact Mrs. Cheri Zimmerman with any questions. Any books currently out on loan from last year should be returned by the next meeting in January when a preview of our new library will be presented.