May 18 - Horse Management Review: "You Be The Judge"
The May club meeting is scheduled for Sunday May 18, at 2 PM at Thornridge Manor. This is the annual Horse Management Review and is an important meeting to be up to date on Horse Management requirements for rallies and other competitions. The theme of this meeting is "YOU BE THE JUDGE". Members will have the opportunity to judge trailer set-ups, rally equipment boxes, tack rooms, stall set-ups and rider turnout. Please RSVP when possible to help us with planning the meeting. Also, check to see if you have the "Rally Tips" handout and the "Safe Trailering" handout and let me know so I can bring enough copies. Gloria Cameron
Seneca Valley Pony Club Open Horse Trials - June 21
If any members are interested in entering the Seneca Valley Pony Club Horse Trials on June 21, please contact either Mrs. Cameron or Mrs. Pritchard-Bryan. The Bittersweet Bowl is a Seneca Valley tradition begun 36 years ago. USPC members are eligible in Training if rated C-3, B, H-A, or A, in Novice if rated C-1 or C-2, in Beginner Novice if rated D-3, in Elementary Novice if rated D-2, and in Rising Stars if rated D-1. Time penaties are removed from D-1, D-2 and D-3 scores. Trophies will be awarded both Saturday and Sunday for the highest placed pony clubbers in their respective divisions. The opening date is May 6 and the closing date is June 3. It is held in Poolesville and is a wonderful course.
Horse For Sale
TB Gelding - He is 8 years old and is very sweet and athletic. He would be great for a pony clubber C-1 and above. The owner is now in college and needs to either sell (asking $6000) or lease him (call for details). Call Beth at: (410) 382-3346
A Report from the 2003 Quiz Rally
On a snowy and wet March 30, 2003, members of the Long Green Pony Club participated in the Maryland Regional Quiz Rally at Oldfields School in Glencoe, Maryland. The rally was hosted by Green Spring Hounds Pony Club and was attended by 17 clubs from the Maryland Region sending a total of 57 teams and 1 individual competitor.
Teams were tested on their knowledge of Horsemanship, Riding, Horse Care & Veterinary Knowledge, Horse Sports and other topics. These phases were conducted in the Barn, various theme Stations, a "Mega-Room", and a Classroom "Question & Answer" format. All teams rotated through the various phases until every team had completed all four formats.
In the afternoon, when the scoring was completed, Mickey Skipper, Regional Supervisor of the Maryland Region, awarded the well deserved ribbons to the competitors. Long Green Pony Club team members distinguished themselves once again with high placings.
The LGPC Senior D Team was awarded FOURTH place out of 17 teams! The team was, Ashley A. (Captain), Rachel S., Lindsey Z. and Sabrina S. Their chaperone was Delmar Stewart who also doubled as official team photographer. Well Done, Senior D's!
The Junior D Team earned SIXTH place out of 15 teams competing! This team included Aynsley D. (Captain), Katie D., Emily G. and Meg G. Barbara Dreyer chaperoned this team and also earned the "Best Chaperone" award from LGPC team members for standing outside in the rain & snow in a very long line to purchase lunch for all three teams! Wow, now that's a dedicated parent and chaperone!
The highlight of the entire day was when the LGPC Mini D team swept the rally with FIRST place out of 12 very tough teams! The roar from the LGPC team members and supporters was absolutely incredible when they were announced as the winners! The team consisted of Caitlin B. (Captain), Taylor Z., Ali P. and Chrissy D. Beth Pokrywka was the chaperone for the very determined and confident Mini D team, but she admitted to being the most nervous she had ever been although her charges were as cool as cucumbers!
At the end of the day, this team couldn't contain their joy when they proudly accepted their well deserved blue ribbons from Mr. Skipper.
Of special note is that this was the first Quiz Rally and also the very first rally for Sabrina S., Katie D., Ali P. and Chrissy D.. This was certainly a major accomplishment.
Other attendees were parents Louise Gill and Eileen Pritchard-Bryan, who served as Station Master and Quiz Master. And a very special thank you to the other parents, club members and especially Gloria Cameron for helping the teams prepare for the Quiz Rally. All the hard work really paid off!
Long Green Pony Club can again be proud of their well deserved ribbons but most importantly that they conducted themselves in a very well behaved, courteous and sportsmanlike manner. They were fair, honest and neatly dressed and were an example to other clubs. I know they had loads of fun and learned something new. We are very proud of all of our members and their parents.........Congratulations and thank you for representing LGPC so well!
Eileen Pritchard-Bryan
Click here to see some photos from the rally.
Games Season is Here!
There is a new games rule book for 2003. If you are interested in learning and playing games and possibly going to the Games Rally, please talk to the D.C. The games to be played at the 2003 Eastern Championships are: Bending, Windsor Castle, Hi-Lo, Needle and Thread, Five-flag, Hula-Hoop (Senior and Adv. only), Ball and cone, Ring Race, Sack, Fishing (Senior and Adv. only), Postman's Chase, Two-flag, Stepping Stone Dash, Potato, Sword, and Balloon.
Welcome to New Long Green Pony Club Members Katie D., Chrissy D., Sabrina S., Ali P., Emily G. and Meg G.
Ratings this spring are tentatively planned for April 26. All candidates should contact Mrs. Pritchard-Bryan regarding their rating preparation. Use of Flow Charts and Prep Books is required.
Winter 2003 Activities
WOW! What a cold and snowy winter we are having. Trailering and riding can be difficult when the weather is so unfriendly. Here is a list of things to do until the weather improves:
- Grooming - Regular grooming of our horses should be a habit for pony club members. Take this time to organize and replenish your grooming kits. Your horses will love a good rub down, and work on that mane and tail!!! Review your Ratings and Flow Charts (available at PC meetings or on the national pony club website).
- Visit the LGPC Library at Thornridge Manor - Check out a book or video. New members, one requirement for your first rating is to view the video "Every Time, Every Ride", available in the library. Look at it right there on the pony club VCR if you like.
- Go to the Horse World Expo - Explore the booths, vendors, clinics, trailer displays and visit the many breeds on the premises.
- Pick some music and plan a Musical Freestyle - You can do this as an individual or with a friend. You can work on movements unmounted and then try them when you get a chance to ride. If you don't have and indoor arena available, make arrangements to visit Thornridge Manor, Camelot Farm or other facility with an indoor arena.
- Prepare for the Quiz Rally - The Quiz Rally will be held at the Garrison Forest School in the end of March. There is a lot of study material in the LGPC Library including floppy discs with practice questions for you to use. Start studying!
- When the footing is acceptable (and the temperature too) - plan a trail ride with a group. It can be tough to trot, canter or jump on hard frozen ground or slippery conditions, but just walking up and down hills will be great exercise for you and your pony.
- Clinic and Seminar - Plan to attend the Ratings and Standards Clinic on February 2 and the Horse Management Seminar on February 16. Improve your knowledge and skills while having fun. Check the LGPC calendar for details.
- Schooling Shows - Select a local schooling show held at an indoor arena and prepare to participate. You can check out what shows are schedule online at The Equiery under "Directories/Coming Events". Having a goal to prepare for often helps us get out and ride even though it is cold!
- Think Spring!!! - If you are interested in participating in Games practices or the Games Rally (June, check the calendar), please contact Mrs. Zimmerman. Games schedules will start in the Spring, but it is not to early to begin studying the game rules (see the Games Handbook in the library). If you are planning to compete in Eventing this year, please contact Mrs. Pritchard-Bryan. She can help you to prepare for schooling shows, combined tests, Round Robins and assist anyone hoping to attend Fair Hill this year.
Long Green Pony Club Now Has an "A" Member
Allison H. has earned her "A" rating. This is quite an accomplishment - the result of lots of hard work and dedication. An "A" member is an asset for any pony club and a great example and inspiration for Long Green members. Congratulations Allison!
Congratulations to the LGPC "D" Dressage Rally Teams
It was a beautiful day at Menfelt for the "D" Dressage Rally on August 25 with 28 teams in attendance from all around the Maryland Region. The three Long Green teams distinguished themselves and had a great time while doing so. Our D-3 team - Ashley A. (captain), Rebecca H., Rachel S. and Lindsey Z. won 8th place in their division. Long Green entered two D-1/D-2 teams: Jena C.(captain), Jessica R. and Aynsley D. won fourth place overall and first place in Horse Management!! and Wheatley D.(captain), Caitlin B., Taylor Z. and scramble member from Glen Hollow, Rita A. won second place over all!! Congratulations, we are proud of you.
Instructional Opportunities Are Now Available In Several Activities
Instruction is now being organized for Quadrille Practice, Gymnastic Jumping and Cross Country Jumping.
Quadrille Practice: Copies of the Quadrille Test can be obtained from Phoebe DeVoe or Gloria Cameron. For members who need to learn or review dressage terminology, arena layout and dressage figures, please call or e-mail Gloria Cameron. Dates for this review will be scheduled. Mounted Quadrille Practice sessions will also be scheduled.
Gymnastic Jumping: "Gymnastic Jumping comprises jumping exercises that develop the pony's and the rider's jumping style (the way you and your pony use your bodies over jumps). The exercises are usually a series of carefully spaced jumps or ground poles..." USPC C Manual, page 29. LGPC members are encouraged to practice gymnastic jumping on an ongoing basis at all rating levels. Read the reference in the C Manual and then schedule a lesson with Chrissy Donovan, Ann McKay, Katie Rose or other instructor to get started. Group sessions can be set up by request: Weekends at McKay's with Chrissy Donovan - contact by e mail: torcdonovan@yahoo.com. Weekdays - Ann McKay, 410-357-8885 ; Katie Rose by appointment at Camelot or Tranquility Manor Farms 410-692-5205.
Cross Country Practice: You may contact Chrissy Donovan, Ann McKay (see above) or Eileen Pritchard-Bryan, (410) 557-60764, for cross country riding/jumping lessons. For anyone interested in cross country riding over varied terrain, including hills, streams and woodlands, contact Gloria Cameron to organize a trail ride.
Find Out About Some of the New Books in The LGPC Library
There are a number of new items in the library. To find out about some of them that may be of interest to you, please click here.
The Long Green P.C. Library is GROWING
A lot of new books and videos have been added to the Long Green Pony Club Library and more are coming. We have a goal to make the LGPC Library a truly valuable and fun resource for you. Please go to the library and see for yourself. If there are horse related books that are not in the library that you think would be worthwhile additions or if you have questions about the library, please e-mail the library here. Even better yet, if you or someone you know has horse books or videos that they would like to share with the club, donating them to the library as a tax-deductible gift would be a good deed that would benefit the club for years to come.
Keep Watching This Spot
This page will be updated as often as possible with whatever important and (hopefully) interesting bits of news and fun stuff can be found. If you have an item that you would like to have announced here or some news that you would like to share with your club mates, please e-mail here.